
Nagasaki International University

Graduate SchoolsGraduate School of Health Management

Message from the Dean

Acquiring practical capability to handle various problems regarding food and nutrition of modern people and contributing to the community.

Shuichi Nomura
Shuichi Nomura

We are facing a society with a declining birthrate and an aging population. Nutritional guidance is required for the elderly and people in need of nursing care, and dietary education is required for children from infancy to school age. Also, since the prevalence of lifestyle diseases is deeply associated with nutrition, diet, and lack of exercise, nutritional guidance is increasingly important in the prevention and treatment of diseases. Our society needs managerial dieticians who have acquired advanced expertise and techniques in nutrition and diet to manage people’s health based on food and nutrition.

Our graduate program was established to meet the social need for diversified health management in 2006. It consists of nutritional science in which the postgraduates study nutrition of food and health science in which nutrition is applied to medical care and healthcare. In both programs, we aim to train highly specialized and skilled professions who can contribute to the medical and health fields in the community, such as health improvement and prevention and treatment of diseases, from the perspective of nutritional science. If you want to be a highly specialized and skilled professional in health management based on food and nutrition, you are strongly expected to enroll in our program to fulfill your purpose.

Master’s Course in Health and Nutrition

Contents of Education and Research

The Master’s Course in Health and Nutrition focuses on producing professionals and researchers who can contribute to build a society where people can live healthy and good lives by effectively using all knowledge on nutrition, medicine, pharmacy, medical technology, nursing, exercise physiology, biology, and chemistry. The Health and Nutrition MA program covers studies in nutrition science and health science.

We provide classes on issues we believe to be important based on the current status and future development and demand on the field of health management, and graduate students will primarily take lectures.

Also for practical and technical education, we provide special training classes in both health science and nutrition science. Then, to compile their study, “special classes” will be held to write the master’s thesis.

We will confer the Master of Health and Nutrition upon graduation.

  • フォトギャラリー
  • 催事イベント情報
  • 学びの特色「茶道文化による教育」
  • 長崎国際大学ボランティアセンター
  • NIU教員DB
  • AED設置場所
  • JIHEE認証評価
  • 薬学教育第三者評価
  • 長崎国際大学同窓会
  • ibo2020
  • 古本募金