Academic Research Staff and Principal AchievementAchievement
TOMO Higashide
Published Papers
An investigation of the omission of judgment auxiliary verb before the quotation of“~to omou”:A comparative analysis of Japanese learners and Japanese native speakers
Advanced Japanese Language Education 2022-12
Independence of Vocatives from Arguments: Based on Observation of Second Person Pronouns from Rakugo
Calling Expressions and their Linguistic Behavior in College Students' First Conversation: Contrasting Japan and Korea
The Development of Mожно as a Marker of Asking for Permission: A Pragmatic Analysis of Adverbial and Particle Usages
A Corpus-Based Comparison of “Mожно” Used as a Particle and as a Predicate Adverb
Tarms of Address in Teaching Japanese Language at the Biginner's Level
The Fictionality Indicated by the "Doubled Vocative" - An Analysis of Espressions in Fictions and Daily Conversations-
Politeness of the vocative in Russian
Анализ различий в восприятии вежливости между носителями японского и русского языков. Исследование основано на результатах анкетирования на тему выражения просьбы.
Studies in Languages and Cultures 2022-10-26
Особенности употребления обращений в русской речи как средства управления (на фоне японского языка)
Обучение иностранцев использованию обращений в русском языке как лингводидактическая проблема
Русская словесность в научном, культурном и образовательном пространстве (к 90-летию со дня рождения профессора В. И. Максимова) 2016-02